Saturday, March 22, 2008


Journal_6b:iMovie Software Review
Here is the movie I created in the class EDUC422B. Professor Heil showed us the basic feature from the iMovie software. He also made all of the resources available to us to edit. This is a fun project to play with. I can sit there and play with it for whole day without any complaining. This is a nice software to start to make a movie for a beginner. I can just drag whatever I wanted and put all of them together. It is straight forward. I love to make the movie through this tool. However, when I tried to edit my movie, I found some issues may or may not relate with this software. At first, I put transition time in between for every two sections. Then, I tried to add some music. It always gave me error. I tried many times in vain. Eventually, instructor Jeff helped me to remove all of the transition first, add the music, then add the transition at the end. This could be a problem for this software. But I am not quite sure. It was an observation from my experience during my work. I think this is a very useful tool for any educator with any subject matter. Students love to see a short movie to relate with the topic we want to address. I want to use this tool later more in my classroom when I teach students mathematics or Mandarin. I just love it very much.

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