Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal_7: Web 2.0 tool: Microblogging - Twitter

Twitter is a free, easy and quick online service which allows you to broadcast short message to your friends or students and receive messages from your computer or cell phone of 140 characters in length, all those who “subscribe” to your broadcast can see your message, called a “tweet,” and you receive messages from all those to whom you subscribe. It lets you specify which Twitter users you want to follow so you can read their messages in one place.
Twitter is designed to work on a mobile phone as well as on a computer. All Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters, so each message can be sent as a single SMS alert. That's part of Twitter's charm.
Twitter is useful for close-knit groups.If you follow your friends, and they follow each other, you can quickly communicate group-related items, such as "I'm going to the pub on Fourth Street, come on along." Twitter is conceptually similar to Dodgeball but is simpler to use.
If you enter items into Twitter, they can be private, so only friends you've authorized can see them. Items can also be made public, which means anyone who knows your Twitter ID can read and subscribe to them.


Cobbs said...

twitter seems pretty cool, is it free? what does it cost if you send it from your cell phone? is it like a single sms cost, or do you pay one sms for each recipient?

Jessie Bi said...

Yes, it is free.